Source code for gym.envs.registration

import contextlib
import copy
import difflib
import importlib
import importlib.util
import re
import sys
import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import (

import numpy as np

from gym.wrappers import (
from gym.wrappers.compatibility import EnvCompatibility
from gym.wrappers.env_checker import PassiveEnvChecker

if sys.version_info < (3, 10):
    import importlib_metadata as metadata  # type: ignore
    import importlib.metadata as metadata

if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
    from typing import Literal
    from typing_extensions import Literal

from gym import Env, error, logger

ENV_ID_RE = re.compile(

def load(name: str) -> callable:
    """Loads an environment with name and returns an environment creation function

        name: The environment name

        Calls the environment constructor
    mod_name, attr_name = name.split(":")
    mod = importlib.import_module(mod_name)
    fn = getattr(mod, attr_name)
    return fn

def parse_env_id(id: str) -> Tuple[Optional[str], str, Optional[int]]:
    """Parse environment ID string format.

    This format is true today, but it's *not* an official spec.
    [namespace/](env-name)-v(version)    env-name is group 1, version is group 2

    2016-10-31: We're experimentally expanding the environment ID format
    to include an optional namespace.

        id: The environment id to parse

        A tuple of environment namespace, environment name and version number

        Error: If the environment id does not a valid environment regex
    match = ENV_ID_RE.fullmatch(id)
    if not match:
        raise error.Error(
            f"Malformed environment ID: {id}."
            f"(Currently all IDs must be of the form [namespace/](env-name)-v(version). (namespace is optional))"
    namespace, name, version ="namespace", "name", "version")
    if version is not None:
        version = int(version)

    return namespace, name, version

def get_env_id(ns: Optional[str], name: str, version: Optional[int]) -> str:
    """Get the full env ID given a name and (optional) version and namespace. Inverse of :meth:`parse_env_id`.

        ns: The environment namespace
        name: The environment name
        version: The environment version

        The environment id

    full_name = name
    if version is not None:
        full_name += f"-v{version}"
    if ns is not None:
        full_name = ns + "/" + full_name
    return full_name

class EnvSpec:
    """A specification for creating environments with `gym.make`.

    * id: The string used to create the environment with `gym.make`
    * entry_point: The location of the environment to create from
    * reward_threshold: The reward threshold for completing the environment.
    * nondeterministic: If the observation of an environment cannot be repeated with the same initial state, random number generator state and actions.
    * max_episode_steps: The max number of steps that the environment can take before truncation
    * order_enforce: If to enforce the order of `reset` before `step` and `render` functions
    * autoreset: If to automatically reset the environment on episode end
    * disable_env_checker: If to disable the environment checker wrapper in `gym.make`, by default False (runs the environment checker)
    * kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to the environments through `gym.make`

    id: str
    entry_point: Union[Callable, str]

    # Environment attributes
    reward_threshold: Optional[float] = field(default=None)
    nondeterministic: bool = field(default=False)

    # Wrappers
    max_episode_steps: Optional[int] = field(default=None)
    order_enforce: bool = field(default=True)
    autoreset: bool = field(default=False)
    disable_env_checker: bool = field(default=False)
    apply_api_compatibility: bool = field(default=False)

    # Environment arguments
    kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict)

    # post-init attributes
    namespace: Optional[str] = field(init=False)
    name: str = field(init=False)
    version: Optional[int] = field(init=False)

    def __post_init__(self):
        # Initialize namespace, name, version
        self.namespace,, self.version = parse_env_id(

    def make(self, **kwargs) -> Env:
        # For compatibility purposes
        return make(self, **kwargs)

def _check_namespace_exists(ns: Optional[str]):
    """Check if a namespace exists. If it doesn't, print a helpful error message."""
    if ns is None:
    namespaces = {
        spec_.namespace for spec_ in registry.values() if spec_.namespace is not None
    if ns in namespaces:

    suggestion = (
        difflib.get_close_matches(ns, namespaces, n=1) if len(namespaces) > 0 else None
    suggestion_msg = (
        f"Did you mean: `{suggestion[0]}`?"
        if suggestion
        else f"Have you installed the proper package for {ns}?"

    raise error.NamespaceNotFound(f"Namespace {ns} not found. {suggestion_msg}")

def _check_name_exists(ns: Optional[str], name: str):
    """Check if an env exists in a namespace. If it doesn't, print a helpful error message."""
    names = { for spec_ in registry.values() if spec_.namespace == ns}

    if name in names:

    suggestion = difflib.get_close_matches(name, names, n=1)
    namespace_msg = f" in namespace {ns}" if ns else ""
    suggestion_msg = f"Did you mean: `{suggestion[0]}`?" if suggestion else ""

    raise error.NameNotFound(
        f"Environment {name} doesn't exist{namespace_msg}. {suggestion_msg}"

def _check_version_exists(ns: Optional[str], name: str, version: Optional[int]):
    """Check if an env version exists in a namespace. If it doesn't, print a helpful error message.
    This is a complete test whether an environment identifier is valid, and will provide the best available hints.

        ns: The environment namespace
        name: The environment space
        version: The environment version

        DeprecatedEnv: The environment doesn't exist but a default version does
        VersionNotFound: The ``version`` used doesn't exist
        DeprecatedEnv: Environment version is deprecated
    if get_env_id(ns, name, version) in registry:

    _check_name_exists(ns, name)
    if version is None:

    message = f"Environment version `v{version}` for environment `{get_env_id(ns, name, None)}` doesn't exist."

    env_specs = [
        for spec_ in registry.values()
        if spec_.namespace == ns and == name
    env_specs = sorted(env_specs, key=lambda spec_: int(spec_.version or -1))

    default_spec = [spec_ for spec_ in env_specs if spec_.version is None]

    if default_spec:
        message += f" It provides the default version {default_spec[0].id}`."
        if len(env_specs) == 1:
            raise error.DeprecatedEnv(message)

    # Process possible versioned environments

    versioned_specs = [spec_ for spec_ in env_specs if spec_.version is not None]

    latest_spec = max(versioned_specs, key=lambda spec: spec.version, default=None)  # type: ignore
    if latest_spec is not None and version > latest_spec.version:
        version_list_msg = ", ".join(f"`v{spec_.version}`" for spec_ in env_specs)
        message += f" It provides versioned environments: [ {version_list_msg} ]."

        raise error.VersionNotFound(message)

    if latest_spec is not None and version < latest_spec.version:
        raise error.DeprecatedEnv(
            f"Environment version v{version} for `{get_env_id(ns, name, None)}` is deprecated. "
            f"Please use `{}` instead."

def find_highest_version(ns: Optional[str], name: str) -> Optional[int]:
    version: List[int] = [
        for spec_ in registry.values()
        if spec_.namespace == ns and == name and spec_.version is not None
    return max(version, default=None)

def load_env_plugins(entry_point: str = "gym.envs") -> None:
    # Load third-party environments
    for plugin in metadata.entry_points(group=entry_point):
        # Python 3.8 doesn't support plugin.module, plugin.attr
        # So we'll have to try and parse this ourselves
        module, attr = None, None
            module, attr = plugin.module, plugin.attr  # type: ignore  ## error: Cannot access member "attr" for type "EntryPoint"
        except AttributeError:
            if ":" in plugin.value:
                module, attr = plugin.value.split(":", maxsplit=1)
                module, attr = plugin.value, None
        except Exception as e:
                f"While trying to load plugin `{plugin}` from {entry_point}, an exception occurred: {e}"
            module, attr = None, None
            if attr is None:
                raise error.Error(
                    f"Gym environment plugin `{module}` must specify a function to execute, not a root module"

        context = namespace(
        if"__") and"__"):
            # `__internal__` is an artifact of the plugin system when
            # the root namespace had an allow-list. The allow-list is now
            # removed and plugins can register environments in the root
            # namespace with the `__root__` magic key.
            if == "__root__" or == "__internal__":
                context = contextlib.nullcontext()
                    f"The environment namespace magic key `{}` is unsupported. "
                    "To register an environment at the root namespace you should specify the `__root__` namespace."

        with context:
            fn = plugin.load()
            except Exception as e:

# fmt: off
def make(id: str, **kwargs) -> Env: ...
def make(id: EnvSpec, **kwargs) -> Env: ...

# Classic control
# ----------------------------------------
def make(id: Literal["CartPole-v0", "CartPole-v1"], **kwargs) -> Env[np.ndarray, Union[np.ndarray, int]]: ...
def make(id: Literal["MountainCar-v0"], **kwargs) -> Env[np.ndarray, Union[np.ndarray, int]]: ...
def make(id: Literal["MountainCarContinuous-v0"], **kwargs) -> Env[np.ndarray, Union[np.ndarray, Sequence[SupportsFloat]]]: ...
def make(id: Literal["Pendulum-v1"], **kwargs) -> Env[np.ndarray, Union[np.ndarray, Sequence[SupportsFloat]]]: ...
def make(id: Literal["Acrobot-v1"], **kwargs) -> Env[np.ndarray, Union[np.ndarray, int]]: ...

# Box2d
# ----------------------------------------
def make(id: Literal["LunarLander-v2", "LunarLanderContinuous-v2"], **kwargs) -> Env[np.ndarray, Union[np.ndarray, int]]: ...
def make(id: Literal["BipedalWalker-v3", "BipedalWalkerHardcore-v3"], **kwargs) -> Env[np.ndarray, Union[np.ndarray, Sequence[SupportsFloat]]]: ...
def make(id: Literal["CarRacing-v2"], **kwargs) -> Env[np.ndarray, Union[np.ndarray, Sequence[SupportsFloat]]]: ...

# Toy Text
# ----------------------------------------
def make(id: Literal["Blackjack-v1"], **kwargs) -> Env[np.ndarray, Union[np.ndarray, int]]: ...
def make(id: Literal["FrozenLake-v1", "FrozenLake8x8-v1"], **kwargs) -> Env[np.ndarray, Union[np.ndarray, int]]: ...
def make(id: Literal["CliffWalking-v0"], **kwargs) -> Env[np.ndarray, Union[np.ndarray, int]]: ...
def make(id: Literal["Taxi-v3"], **kwargs) -> Env[np.ndarray, Union[np.ndarray, int]]: ...

# Mujoco
# ----------------------------------------
def make(id: Literal[
    "Reacher-v2", "Reacher-v4",
    "Pusher-v2", "Pusher-v4",
    "InvertedPendulum-v2", "InvertedPendulum-v4",
    "InvertedDoublePendulum-v2", "InvertedDoublePendulum-v4",
    "HalfCheetah-v2", "HalfCheetah-v3", "HalfCheetah-v4",
    "Hopper-v2", "Hopper-v3", "Hopper-v4",
    "Swimmer-v2", "Swimmer-v3", "Swimmer-v4",
    "Walker2d-v2", "Walker2d-v3", "Walker2d-v4",
    "Ant-v2", "Ant-v3", "Ant-v4",
    "HumanoidStandup-v2", "HumanoidStandup-v4",
    "Humanoid-v2", "Humanoid-v3", "Humanoid-v4",
], **kwargs) -> Env[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: ...
# fmt: on

# Global registry of environments. Meant to be accessed through `register` and `make`
registry: Dict[str, EnvSpec] = {}
current_namespace: Optional[str] = None

def _check_spec_register(spec: EnvSpec):
    """Checks whether the spec is valid to be registered. Helper function for `register`."""
    global registry
    latest_versioned_spec = max(
            for spec_ in registry.values()
            if spec_.namespace == spec.namespace
            and ==
            and spec_.version is not None
        key=lambda spec_: int(spec_.version),  # type: ignore

    unversioned_spec = next(
            for spec_ in registry.values()
            if spec_.namespace == spec.namespace
            and ==
            and spec_.version is None

    if unversioned_spec is not None and spec.version is not None:
        raise error.RegistrationError(
            "Can't register the versioned environment "
            f"`{}` when the unversioned environment "
            f"`{}` of the same name already exists."
    elif latest_versioned_spec is not None and spec.version is None:
        raise error.RegistrationError(
            "Can't register the unversioned environment "
            f"`{}` when the versioned environment "
            f"`{}` of the same name "
            f"already exists. Note: the default behavior is "
            f"that `gym.make` with the unversioned environment "
            f"will return the latest versioned environment"

# Public API

def namespace(ns: str):
    global current_namespace
    old_namespace = current_namespace
    current_namespace = ns
    current_namespace = old_namespace

def register(
    id: str,
    entry_point: Union[Callable, str],
    reward_threshold: Optional[float] = None,
    nondeterministic: bool = False,
    max_episode_steps: Optional[int] = None,
    order_enforce: bool = True,
    autoreset: bool = False,
    disable_env_checker: bool = False,
    apply_api_compatibility: bool = False,
    """Register an environment with gym.

    The `id` parameter corresponds to the name of the environment, with the syntax as follows:
    `(namespace)/(env_name)-v(version)` where `namespace` is optional.

    It takes arbitrary keyword arguments, which are passed to the `EnvSpec` constructor.

        id: The environment id
        entry_point: The entry point for creating the environment
        reward_threshold: The reward threshold considered to have learnt an environment
        nondeterministic: If the environment is nondeterministic (even with knowledge of the initial seed and all actions)
        max_episode_steps: The maximum number of episodes steps before truncation. Used by the Time Limit wrapper.
        order_enforce: If to enable the order enforcer wrapper to ensure users run functions in the correct order
        autoreset: If to add the autoreset wrapper such that reset does not need to be called.
        disable_env_checker: If to disable the environment checker for the environment. Recommended to False.
        apply_api_compatibility: If to apply the `StepAPICompatibility` wrapper.
        **kwargs: arbitrary keyword arguments which are passed to the environment constructor
    global registry, current_namespace
    ns, name, version = parse_env_id(id)

    if current_namespace is not None:
        if (
            kwargs.get("namespace") is not None
            and kwargs.get("namespace") != current_namespace
                f"Custom namespace `{kwargs.get('namespace')}` is being overridden by namespace `{current_namespace}`. "
                f"If you are developing a plugin you shouldn't specify a namespace in `register` calls. "
                "The namespace is specified through the entry point package metadata."
        ns_id = current_namespace
        ns_id = ns

    full_id = get_env_id(ns_id, name, version)

    new_spec = EnvSpec(
    if in registry:
        logger.warn(f"Overriding environment {} already in registry.")
    registry[] = new_spec

[docs]def make( id: Union[str, EnvSpec], max_episode_steps: Optional[int] = None, autoreset: bool = False, apply_api_compatibility: Optional[bool] = None, disable_env_checker: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Env: """Create an environment according to the given ID. To find all available environments use `gym.envs.registry.keys()` for all valid ids. Args: id: Name of the environment. Optionally, a module to import can be included, eg. 'module:Env-v0' max_episode_steps: Maximum length of an episode (TimeLimit wrapper). autoreset: Whether to automatically reset the environment after each episode (AutoResetWrapper). apply_api_compatibility: Whether to wrap the environment with the `StepAPICompatibility` wrapper that converts the environment step from a done bool to return termination and truncation bools. By default, the argument is None to which the environment specification `apply_api_compatibility` is used which defaults to False. Otherwise, the value of `apply_api_compatibility` is used. If `True`, the wrapper is applied otherwise, the wrapper is not applied. disable_env_checker: If to run the env checker, None will default to the environment specification `disable_env_checker` (which is by default False, running the environment checker), otherwise will run according to this parameter (`True` = not run, `False` = run) kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the environment constructor. Returns: An instance of the environment. Raises: Error: If the ``id`` doesn't exist then an error is raised """ if isinstance(id, EnvSpec): spec_ = id else: module, id = (None, id) if ":" not in id else id.split(":") if module is not None: try: importlib.import_module(module) except ModuleNotFoundError as e: raise ModuleNotFoundError( f"{e}. Environment registration via importing a module failed. " f"Check whether '{module}' contains env registration and can be imported." ) spec_ = registry.get(id) ns, name, version = parse_env_id(id) latest_version = find_highest_version(ns, name) if ( version is not None and latest_version is not None and latest_version > version ): logger.warn( f"The environment {id} is out of date. You should consider " f"upgrading to version `v{latest_version}`." ) if version is None and latest_version is not None: version = latest_version new_env_id = get_env_id(ns, name, version) spec_ = registry.get(new_env_id) logger.warn( f"Using the latest versioned environment `{new_env_id}` " f"instead of the unversioned environment `{id}`." ) if spec_ is None: _check_version_exists(ns, name, version) raise error.Error(f"No registered env with id: {id}") _kwargs = spec_.kwargs.copy() _kwargs.update(kwargs) if spec_.entry_point is None: raise error.Error(f"{} registered but entry_point is not specified") elif callable(spec_.entry_point): env_creator = spec_.entry_point else: # Assume it's a string env_creator = load(spec_.entry_point) mode = _kwargs.get("render_mode") apply_human_rendering = False apply_render_collection = False # If we have access to metadata we check that "render_mode" is valid and see if the HumanRendering wrapper needs to be applied if mode is not None and hasattr(env_creator, "metadata"): assert isinstance( env_creator.metadata, dict ), f"Expect the environment creator ({env_creator}) metadata to be dict, actual type: {type(env_creator.metadata)}" if "render_modes" in env_creator.metadata: render_modes = env_creator.metadata["render_modes"] if not isinstance(render_modes, Sequence): logger.warn( f"Expects the environment metadata render_modes to be a Sequence (tuple or list), actual type: {type(render_modes)}" ) # Apply the `HumanRendering` wrapper, if the mode=="human" but "human" not in render_modes if ( mode == "human" and "human" not in render_modes and ("rgb_array" in render_modes or "rgb_array_list" in render_modes) ): logger.warn( "You are trying to use 'human' rendering for an environment that doesn't natively support it. " "The HumanRendering wrapper is being applied to your environment." ) apply_human_rendering = True if "rgb_array" in render_modes: _kwargs["render_mode"] = "rgb_array" else: _kwargs["render_mode"] = "rgb_array_list" elif ( mode not in render_modes and mode.endswith("_list") and mode[: -len("_list")] in render_modes ): _kwargs["render_mode"] = mode[: -len("_list")] apply_render_collection = True elif mode not in render_modes: logger.warn( f"The environment is being initialised with mode ({mode}) that is not in the possible render_modes ({render_modes})." ) else: logger.warn( f"The environment creator metadata doesn't include `render_modes`, contains: {list(env_creator.metadata.keys())}" ) if apply_api_compatibility is True or ( apply_api_compatibility is None and spec_.apply_api_compatibility is True ): # If we use the compatibility layer, we treat the render mode explicitly and don't pass it to the env creator render_mode = _kwargs.pop("render_mode", None) else: render_mode = None try: env = env_creator(**_kwargs) except TypeError as e: if ( str(e).find("got an unexpected keyword argument 'render_mode'") >= 0 and apply_human_rendering ): raise error.Error( f"You passed render_mode='human' although {id} doesn't implement human-rendering natively. " "Gym tried to apply the HumanRendering wrapper but it looks like your environment is using the old " "rendering API, which is not supported by the HumanRendering wrapper." ) else: raise e # Copies the environment creation specification and kwargs to add to the environment specification details spec_ = copy.deepcopy(spec_) spec_.kwargs = _kwargs env.unwrapped.spec = spec_ # Add step API wrapper if apply_api_compatibility is True or ( apply_api_compatibility is None and spec_.apply_api_compatibility is True ): env = EnvCompatibility(env, render_mode) # Run the environment checker as the lowest level wrapper if disable_env_checker is False or ( disable_env_checker is None and spec_.disable_env_checker is False ): env = PassiveEnvChecker(env) # Add the order enforcing wrapper if spec_.order_enforce: env = OrderEnforcing(env) # Add the time limit wrapper if max_episode_steps is not None: env = TimeLimit(env, max_episode_steps) elif spec_.max_episode_steps is not None: env = TimeLimit(env, spec_.max_episode_steps) # Add the autoreset wrapper if autoreset: env = AutoResetWrapper(env) # Add human rendering wrapper if apply_human_rendering: env = HumanRendering(env) elif apply_render_collection: env = RenderCollection(env) return env
def spec(env_id: str) -> EnvSpec: """Retrieve the spec for the given environment from the global registry.""" spec_ = registry.get(env_id) if spec_ is None: ns, name, version = parse_env_id(env_id) _check_version_exists(ns, name, version) raise error.Error(f"No registered env with id: {env_id}") else: assert isinstance(spec_, EnvSpec) return spec_