Source code for mate.wrappers.auxiliary_camera_rewards

# pylint: disable=missing-module-docstring

from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Tuple, Union

import gym
import numpy as np

from mate.utils import polar2cartesian, sin_deg
from mate.wrappers.repeated_reward_individual_done import RepeatedRewardIndividualDone
from mate.wrappers.single_team import MultiTarget, SingleTeamHelper
from mate.wrappers.typing import (

    from typing import Literal
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import Literal

[docs]class AuxiliaryCameraRewards(gym.Wrapper, metaclass=WrapperMeta): r"""Add additional auxiliary rewards for each individual camera. (Not used in the evaluation script.) The auxiliary reward is a weighted sum of the following components: - ``raw_reward`` (the higher the better): team reward returned by the environment (shared, range in :math:`(-\infty, 0]`). - ``coverage_rate`` (the higher the better): coverage rate of all targets in the environment (shared, range in :math:`[0, 1]`). - ``real_coverage_rate`` (the higher the better): coverage rate of targets with cargoes in the environment (shared, range in :math:`[0, 1]`). - ``mean_transport_rate`` (the lower the better): mean transport rate of the target team (shared, range in :math:`[0, 1]`). - ``soft_coverage_score`` (the higher the better): soft coverage score is proportional to the distance from the target to the camera's boundary (individual, range in :math:`[-1, N_{\mathcal{T}}]`). - ``num_tracked`` (the higher the better): number of targets tracked the camera (shared, range in :math:`[0, N_{\mathcal{T}}]`). - ``baseline``: constant :math:`1`. """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long ACCEPTABLE_KEYS = ( 'raw_reward', # team reward 'coverage_rate', # team reward 'real_coverage_rate', # team reward 'mean_transport_rate', # team reward 'soft_coverage_score', # individual reward 'num_tracked', # individual reward 'baseline', # constant 1 ) # fmt: skip REDUCERS = { 'mean': np.mean, 'sum': np.sum, 'max': np.max, 'min': np.min, } def __init__( self, env: MultiAgentEnvironmentType, coefficients: Dict[str, Union[float, Callable[[int, int, int, float, float], float]]], reduction: Literal['mean', 'sum', 'max', 'min', 'none'] = 'none', ) -> None: assert_multi_agent_environment(env) assert isinstance(env, RepeatedRewardIndividualDone), ( f'You should use wrapper `{self.__class__}` with wrapper `RepeatedRewardIndividualDone`. ' f'Please wrap the environment with wrapper `RepeatedRewardIndividualDone` first. ' f'Got env = {env}.' ) assert not isinstance(env, MultiTarget), ( f'You should not use wrapper `{self.__class__}` with wrapper `MultiTarget`. ' f'Got env = {env}.' ) assert not isinstance( env, AuxiliaryCameraRewards ), f'You should not use wrapper `{self.__class__}` more than once. Got env = {env}.' assert reduction in ('mean', 'sum', 'max', 'min', 'none'), ( f'Invalid reduction method {reduction}. ' f'The reduction method should be one of {("mean", "sum", "max", "min")} (for shared reward), ' f'or "none" for no reduction (for individual reward).' ) assert set(self.ACCEPTABLE_KEYS).issuperset(coefficients.keys()), ( f'The coefficient mapping only accepts keys in {self.ACCEPTABLE_KEYS}. ' f'Got list(coefficients.keys()) = {list(coefficients.keys())}.' ) # The coefficient should be a function with signature: # (agent_id: int, episode_id: int, episode_step: int, raw_reward: float, auxiliary_reward: float) -> float # or a constant float number. self.coefficients = {} for key, coefficient in coefficients.items(): assert callable(coefficient) or isinstance(coefficient, (float, int)), ( f'The argument `coefficient` should be a callable function or a float number. ' f'Got coefficients[{key!r}] = {coefficient!r}.' ) self.coefficients[key] = ( coefficient if not isinstance(coefficient, int) else float(coefficient) ) super().__init__(env) self.episode_id = -1 self.reduction = reduction self.single_team = isinstance(env, SingleTeamHelper) self.soft_coverage_score_matrix = None
[docs] def reset(self, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: self.episode_id += 1 self.soft_coverage_score_matrix = None return self.env.reset(**kwargs)
# pylint: disable-next=too-many-locals,too-many-branches
[docs] def step( self, action: Union[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], np.ndarray] ) -> Union[ Tuple[ Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], Tuple[List[float], List[float]], Tuple[List[bool], List[bool]], Tuple[List[dict], List[dict]], ], Tuple[np.ndarray, List[float], List[bool], List[dict]], ]: observations, rewards, dones, infos = self.env.step(action) if self.single_team: camera_rewards, camera_infos = list(rewards), infos else: camera_rewards, camera_infos = list(rewards[0]), infos[0] soft_coverage_scores = np.zeros((self.num_cameras,), dtype=np.float64) if 'soft_coverage_score' in self.coefficients: self.soft_coverage_score_matrix = self.compute_soft_coverage_scores(self.unwrapped) camera_target_view_mask = self.camera_target_view_mask for c in range(self.num_cameras): if camera_target_view_mask[c].any(): scores = self.soft_coverage_score_matrix[c, camera_target_view_mask[c]] soft_coverage_scores[c] = scores.sum() else: scores = self.soft_coverage_score_matrix[c, :] soft_coverage_scores[c] = np.tanh(scores.max()) for c, (raw_reward, info) in enumerate(zip(tuple(camera_rewards), camera_infos)): auxiliary_rewards = { 'raw_reward': raw_reward, 'coverage_rate': self.coverage_rate, 'real_coverage_rate': self.real_coverage_rate, 'mean_transport_rate': self.mean_transport_rate, 'soft_coverage_score': soft_coverage_scores[c], 'num_tracked': self.camera_target_view_mask[c, ...].sum(), 'baseline': 1.0, } reward = 0.0 for key, coefficient in self.coefficients.items(): if callable(coefficient): coefficient = coefficient( c, self.episode_id, self.episode_step, raw_reward, auxiliary_rewards[key], ) reward += coefficient * auxiliary_rewards[key] info.setdefault(key, auxiliary_rewards[key]) info[f'auxiliary_reward_{key}'] = auxiliary_rewards[key] info[f'reward_coefficient_{key}'] = coefficient info['reward'] = camera_rewards[c] = reward reducer = self.REDUCERS.get(self.reduction, None) if reducer is not None: shared_reward = reducer(camera_rewards) camera_rewards = [shared_reward] * self.num_cameras for info in camera_infos: info['shared_reward'] = shared_reward if not self.single_team: rewards = (camera_rewards, rewards[1]) else: rewards = camera_rewards return observations, rewards, dones, infos
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_soft_coverage_scores(env) -> np.ndarray: """Compute all soft coverage score for each individual camera.""" auxiliary_reward_matrix = np.zeros((env.num_cameras, env.num_targets), dtype=np.float64) for c, camera in enumerate(env.cameras): tracked_bits = env.camera_target_view_mask[c] auxiliary_reward_matrix[c] = AuxiliaryCameraRewards.compute_soft_coverage_score( camera, env.targets, tracked_bits ) return auxiliary_reward_matrix
[docs] @staticmethod # pylint: disable-next=too-many-locals def compute_soft_coverage_score(camera, targets, tracked_bits: np.ndarray) -> List[float]: """The soft coverage score is proportional to the distance from the target to the camera's boundary.""" if camera.viewing_angle < 180.0: dist_max = camera.sight_range / (1.0 + 1.0 / sin_deg(camera.viewing_angle / 2.0)) else: dist_max = camera.sight_range / 2.0 angle_left = camera.orientation - camera.viewing_angle / 2.0 angle_right = camera.orientation + camera.viewing_angle / 2.0 phis, rhos = camera.boundary_between(angle_left, angle_right, outer=True) phi_left, phi_right = phis[0], phis[-1] rho_left, rho_right = rhos[0], rhos[-1] phis = np.concatenate([[phi_left] * 16, phis, [phi_right] * 16]) rhos = np.concatenate( [ np.linspace(start=0.0, stop=rho_left, num=16, endpoint=False), rhos, np.linspace(start=0.0, stop=rho_right, num=16, endpoint=False), ] ) xs, ys = polar2cartesian(rhos, phis) # pylint: disable=invalid-name auxiliary_rewards = [] for tracked, target in zip(tracked_bits, targets): direction = target - camera distances = np.hypot(direction.x - xs, direction.y - ys) dist = distances.min() if not tracked: dist = -dist auxiliary_reward = dist / dist_max auxiliary_rewards.append(auxiliary_reward) return auxiliary_rewards