Source code for mate.wrappers.single_team

# pylint: disable=missing-module-docstring

import itertools
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import gym
import numpy as np

from mate.agents.base import CameraAgentBase, TargetAgentBase
from mate.utils import Message, Team

# pylint: disable-next=cyclic-import
from mate.wrappers.typing import (

[docs]def group_reset( agents: Iterable[AgentType], joint_observation: Union[np.ndarray, Iterable[np.ndarray]] ) -> None: """Reset a group of agents.""" for agent, observation in zip(agents, joint_observation): agent.reset(observation)
[docs]def group_observe( agents: Iterable[AgentType], joint_observation: Union[np.ndarray, Iterable[np.ndarray]], infos: Optional[List[dict]] = None, ) -> List[Union[int, np.ndarray]]: """Set the observation for a group of agents.""" if infos is None: infos = itertools.repeat(None) for agent, observation, info in zip(agents, joint_observation, infos): agent.observe(observation, info)
[docs]def group_communicate(env: BaseEnvironmentType, agents: Iterable[AgentType]) -> None: """Send and receive messages from a group of agents to the environment.""" agents = list(agents) for agent in agents: env.send_messages(agent.send_requests()) for agent in agents: agent.receive_requests(env.receive_messages(agent=agent)) for agent in agents: env.send_messages(agent.send_responses()) for agent in agents: agent.receive_responses(env.receive_messages(agent=agent))
[docs]def group_act( agents: Iterable[AgentType], joint_observation: Union[np.ndarray, Iterable[np.ndarray]], infos: Optional[List[dict]] = None, deterministic: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> List[Union[int, np.ndarray]]: """Get the joint action of a group of agents.""" if infos is None: infos = itertools.repeat(None) return [ agent.act(observation, info, deterministic=deterministic) for agent, observation, info in zip(agents, joint_observation, infos) ]
[docs]def group_step( env: BaseEnvironmentType, agents: Iterable[AgentType], joint_observation: Union[np.ndarray, Iterable[np.ndarray]], infos: Optional[List[dict]] = None, deterministic: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> List[Union[int, np.ndarray]]: """Helper function to do a environment step for a group of agents.""" group_observe(agents, joint_observation, infos) group_communicate(env, agents) joint_action = group_act(agents, joint_observation, infos, deterministic=deterministic) return joint_action
# pylint: disable-next=missing-class-docstring,too-many-instance-attributes class SingleTeamHelper(gym.Wrapper, metaclass=WrapperMeta): def __init__(self, env: BaseEnvironmentType, team: Team) -> None: assert_base_environment(env) super().__init__(env) = team # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking self.num_teammates, self.num_opponents = self.swap(env.num_cameras, env.num_targets) self.teammate_action_space, self.opponent_action_space = self.swap( env.camera_action_space, env.target_action_space ) self.teammate_joint_action_space, self.opponent_joint_action_space = self.swap( env.camera_joint_action_space, env.target_joint_action_space ) self.teammate_observation_space, self.opponent_observation_space = self.swap( env.camera_observation_space, env.target_observation_space ) self.teammate_joint_observation_space, self.opponent_joint_observation_space = self.swap( env.camera_joint_observation_space, env.target_joint_observation_space ) self.teammate_message_buffer, self.opponent_message_buffer = self.swap( env.camera_message_buffer, env.target_message_buffer ) self.teammate_message_queue, self.opponent_message_queue = self.swap( env.camera_message_queue, env.target_message_queue ) # pylint: enable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking assert self.num_teammates > 0, ( f'There must be at least one agent in the {} team. ' f'Got num_teammates = {self.num_teammates}.' ) # pylint: disable-next=import-outside-toplevel,cyclic-import from mate.wrappers.repeated_reward_individual_done import RepeatedRewardIndividualDone self.repeated_reward_individual_done = isinstance(env, RepeatedRewardIndividualDone) @property def num_adversaries(self): # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring return self.num_opponents def reset(self, **kwargs) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: return self.swap(*self.env.reset(**kwargs)) def step( self, action: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] ) -> Union[ # original form Tuple[ Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], Tuple[float, float], bool, Tuple[List[dict], List[dict]] ], # repeated reward and individual done Tuple[ Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], Tuple[List[float], List[float]], Tuple[List[bool], List[bool]], Tuple[List[dict], List[dict]], ], ]: return self.swap(*self.env.step(self.swap(*action))) # pylint: disable-next=missing-function-docstring def swap(self, *items) -> Union[Tuple[Any, Any], Tuple[Any, Any, Any, Any]]: assert len(items) == 2 or len(items) == 4 if is Team.CAMERA: return items if len(items) == 2: return items[1], items[0] return tuple( (item[1], item[0]) if isinstance(item, (tuple, list)) else item for item in items ) class SingleTeamMultiAgent(SingleTeamHelper): """Wrap the environment into a single-team multi-agent environment that users can use the Gym API to train and/or evaluate their agents. """ def __init__(self, env: BaseEnvironmentType, team: Team, opponent_agent: AgentType) -> None: super().__init__(env, team=team) self.action_space = env.action_space.spaces[team.value] self.observation_space = env.observation_space.spaces[team.value] self.opponent_agent = opponent_agent self.opponent_agents_ordered = opponent_agent.spawn(self.num_opponents) self.opponent_agents = list(self.opponent_agents_ordered) self.opponent_joint_observation = None self.opponent_infos = None def load_config(self, config: Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], str]] = None) -> None: """Reinitialize the Multi-Agent Tracking Environment from a dictionary mapping or a JSON/YAML file.""" self.env.load_config(config=config) SingleTeamMultiAgent.__init__( self, self.env,, opponent_agent=self.opponent_agent ) def reset(self, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: joint_observation, self.opponent_joint_observation = super().reset(**kwargs) self.opponent_agents = list(self.opponent_agents_ordered) if self.shuffle_entities: self.np_random.shuffle(self.opponent_agents) group_reset(self.opponent_agents, self.opponent_joint_observation) self.opponent_infos = None return joint_observation def send_messages(self, messages: Union[Message, Iterable[Message]]) -> None: """Buffer the messages from an agent to others in the same team. The environment will send the messages to recipients' through method receive_messages(), and also info field of step() results. """ if isinstance(messages, Message): messages = (messages,) messages = list(messages) assert all( is for m in messages), ( f'All messages must be from the {} team. ' f'Got messages = {messages}.' ) self.env.send_messages(messages) def receive_messages( self, agent_id: Optional[Tuple[Team, int]] = None, agent: Optional['AgentType'] = None ) -> Union[List[List[Message]], List[Message]]: """Retrieve the messages to recipients. If no agent is specified, this method will return all the messages to all agents in the environment. The environment will also put the messages to recipients' info field of step() results. """ if agent_id is None and agent is None: return [list(self.teammate_message_buffer[i]) for i in range(self.num_teammates)] return self.env.receive_messages(agent_id=agent_id, agent=agent) def step( self, action: np.ndarray ) -> Union[ Tuple[np.ndarray, float, bool, List[dict]], Tuple[np.ndarray, List[float], List[bool], List[dict]], ]: opponent_joint_action = group_step( self.env, self.opponent_agents, self.opponent_joint_observation, self.opponent_infos ) ( (joint_observation, self.opponent_joint_observation), (reward, _), done, (infos, self.opponent_infos), ) = super().step((np.asarray(action), np.asarray(opponent_joint_action))) if self.repeated_reward_individual_done: done = done[0] return joint_observation, reward, done, infos def seed(self, seed: Optional[int] = None) -> List[int]: seeds = self.env.seed(seed) int_max = np.iinfo(int).max for agent in itertools.chain([self.opponent_agent], self.opponent_agents_ordered): seeds.append(agent.seed(self.np_random.randint(int_max))[0]) return seeds def __str__(self) -> str: # pylint: disable-next=consider-using-f-string return '<{0}(opponent={1.__module__}.{1.__name__}){2}>'.format( self.__class__.__name__, self.opponent_agent.__class__, self.env )
[docs]class MultiCamera(SingleTeamMultiAgent): """Wrap the environment into a single-team multi-agent environment that users can use the Gym API to train and/or evaluate their camera agents. """ def __init__(self, env: BaseEnvironmentType, target_agent: TargetAgentBase) -> None: assert isinstance(target_agent, TargetAgentBase), ( f'You should provide an instance of target agent. ' f'Got target_agent = {target_agent!r}.' ) super().__init__(env, team=Team.CAMERA, opponent_agent=target_agent)
[docs]class MultiTarget(SingleTeamMultiAgent): """Wraps the environment into a single-team multi-agent environment that users can use the Gym API to train and/or evaluate their target agents. """ def __init__(self, env: BaseEnvironmentType, camera_agent: CameraAgentBase) -> None: assert isinstance(camera_agent, CameraAgentBase), ( f'You should provide an instance of camera agent. ' f'Got camera_agent = {camera_agent!r}.' ) super().__init__(env, team=Team.TARGET, opponent_agent=camera_agent)
class SingleTeamSingleAgent(SingleTeamHelper): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """Wrap the environment to a single-team single-agent environment that users can use the Gym API to train and/or evaluate their agent. """ def __init__( self, env: BaseEnvironmentType, team: Team, teammate_agent: AgentType, opponent_agent: AgentType, ) -> None: super().__init__(env, team=team) self.action_space = self.teammate_action_space self.observation_space = self.teammate_observation_space self.index = None self.teammate_agent = teammate_agent self.teammate_agents_ordered = teammate_agent.spawn(self.num_teammates - 1) self.teammate_agents = list(self.teammate_agents_ordered) self.joint_observation = None self.infos = None self.opponent_agent = opponent_agent self.opponent_agents_ordered = opponent_agent.spawn(self.num_opponents) self.opponent_agents = list(self.opponent_agents_ordered) self.opponent_joint_observation = None self.opponent_infos = None def load_config(self, config: Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], str]] = None) -> None: """Reinitialize the Multi-Agent Tracking Environment from a dictionary mapping or a JSON/YAML file.""" self.env.load_config(config=config) SingleTeamSingleAgent.__init__( self, self.env,, teammate_agent=self.teammate_agent, opponent_agent=self.opponent_agent, ) def reset(self, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: self.joint_observation, self.opponent_joint_observation = super().reset(**kwargs) self.opponent_agents = list(self.opponent_agents_ordered) if self.shuffle_entities: self.np_random.shuffle(self.opponent_agents) group_reset(self.opponent_agents, self.opponent_joint_observation) self.opponent_infos = None self.index = self.num_teammates - 1 self.teammate_agents = list(self.teammate_agents_ordered) if self.shuffle_entities: self.index = self.np_random.randint(self.num_teammates) self.np_random.shuffle(self.teammate_agents) group_reset( self.teammate_agents, itertools.chain( self.joint_observation[: self.index], self.joint_observation[self.index + 1 :] ), ) self.infos = None if isinstance(self.joint_observation, np.ndarray): observation = self.joint_observation[self.index] else: observation = tuple(item[self.index] for item in self.joint_observation) return observation def send_messages(self, messages: Union[Message, Iterable[Message]]) -> None: """Buffer the messages from an agent to others in the same team. The environment will send the messages to recipients' through method receive_messages(), and also info field of step() results. """ if isinstance(messages, Message): messages = (messages,) messages = list(messages) assert all( is and m.sender == self.index for m in messages), ( f'All messages must be from the {self.index}-th agent of the {} team.' f'Got messages = {messages}.' ) self.env.send_messages(messages) def receive_messages( self, agent_id: Optional[Tuple[Team, int]] = None, agent: Optional['AgentType'] = None ) -> Union[List[List[Message]], List[Message]]: """Retrieve the messages to recipients. If no agent is specified, this method will return all the messages to all agents in the environment. The environment will also put the messages to recipients' info field of step() results. """ if agent_id is None and agent is None: agent_id = (, self.index) return self.env.receive_messages(agent_id=agent_id, agent=agent) def step(self, action: Union[int, np.ndarray]) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, float, bool, dict]: teammate_joint_observation = list( itertools.chain( self.joint_observation[: self.index], self.joint_observation[self.index + 1 :] ) ) if self.infos is not None: teammate_infos = self.infos[: self.index] + self.infos[self.index + 1 :] else: teammate_infos = None joint_action = group_step( self.env, self.teammate_agents, teammate_joint_observation, teammate_infos ) joint_action.insert(self.index, action) opponent_joint_action = group_step( self.env, self.opponent_agents, self.opponent_joint_observation, self.opponent_infos ) ( (self.joint_observation, self.opponent_joint_observation), (reward, _), done, (self.infos, self.opponent_infos), ) = super().step((np.asarray(joint_action), np.asarray(opponent_joint_action))) if self.repeated_reward_individual_done: reward = reward[self.index] done = done[0][self.index] return self.joint_observation[self.index], reward, done, self.infos[self.index] def seed(self, seed: Optional[int] = None) -> List[int]: seeds = self.env.seed(seed) int_max = np.iinfo(int).max for agent in itertools.chain( [self.teammate_agent, self.opponent_agent], self.teammate_agents_ordered, self.opponent_agents_ordered, ): seeds.append(agent.seed(self.np_random.randint(int_max))[0]) return seeds def __str__(self) -> str: return '<{0}(teammate={1.__module__}.{1.__name__}, opponent={2.__module__}.{2.__name__}){3}>'.format( # pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string self.__class__.__name__, self.teammate_agent.__class__, self.opponent_agent.__class__, self.env, )
[docs]class SingleCamera(SingleTeamSingleAgent): """Wrap the environment to a single-team single-agent environment that users can use the Gym API to train and/or evaluate their camera agent. """ def __init__( self, env: BaseEnvironmentType, other_camera_agent: CameraAgentBase, target_agent: TargetAgentBase, ) -> None: assert isinstance(other_camera_agent, CameraAgentBase), ( f'You should provide an instance of camera agent. ' f'Got other_camera_agent = {other_camera_agent!r}.' ) assert isinstance(target_agent, TargetAgentBase), ( f'You should provide an instance of target agent. ' f'Got target_agent = {target_agent!r}.' ) super().__init__( env, team=Team.CAMERA, teammate_agent=other_camera_agent, opponent_agent=target_agent )
[docs]class SingleTarget(SingleTeamSingleAgent): """Wrap the environment to a single-team single-agent environment that users can use the Gym API to train and/or evaluate their target agent. """ def __init__( self, env: BaseEnvironmentType, other_target_agent: TargetAgentBase, camera_agent: CameraAgentBase, ) -> None: assert isinstance(other_target_agent, TargetAgentBase), ( f'You should provide an instance of target agent. ' f'Got other_target_agent = {other_target_agent!r}.' ) assert isinstance(camera_agent, CameraAgentBase), ( f'You should provide an instance of camera agent. ' f'Got camera_agent = {camera_agent!r}.' ) super().__init__( env, team=Team.TARGET, teammate_agent=other_target_agent, opponent_agent=camera_agent )