Source code for mate.agents.base

"""Base classes for agents."""

import copy
import functools
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union

import numpy as np
from gym import spaces
from gym.utils import seeding

from mate import constants as consts
from mate.agents import utils
from mate.utils import Message, Team

__all__ = ['AgentBase', 'CameraAgentBase', 'TargetAgentBase']

StatePublicType = Union[utils.CameraStatePublic, utils.TargetStatePublic]
StatePrivateType = Union[utils.CameraStatePrivate, utils.TargetStatePrivate]

AgentType = Union['AgentBase', 'CameraAgentBase', 'TargetAgentBase']

[docs]class AgentBase(ABC): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes,too-many-public-methods """Base class for all agents.""" TEAM: Team DEFAULT_ACTION: Union[int, np.ndarray] = None observation_space: spaces.Space = None action_space: spaces.Space = None STATE_CLASS: Type[StatePrivateType] TEAMMATE_STATE_CLASS: Type[StatePublicType] OPPONENT_STATE_CLASS: Type[StatePublicType]
[docs] def __init__(self, seed: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """Initialize the agent. This function will be called only once on initialization. Note: Agents can obtain the number of teammates and opponents on agent.reset(observation), but not here. You are responsible for writing scalable policies and code to handle this. """ # The following attributes will change later when calling `agent.reset(observation)` self.num_cameras = None self.num_targets = None self.num_obstacles = None self.index = None self.agent_id = f'{}_0' self.action_space = None self.observation_dim = None self.observation_space = None self.observation_indices = None self.observation_slices = None self.convert_coordinates = NotImplemented self.rescale_observation = NotImplemented self.split_observation = NotImplemented # The following attributes will change when calling `agent.observe(observation, info)` self.state = None self.episode_step = -1 self._step_counter = 0 self.last_observation = None self.last_info = None self.last_requests = () self.last_responses = () self._np_random = None self.seed(seed)
@property @abstractmethod def num_teammates(self) -> int: """Number of agents in the same team, including the current agent itself.""" raise NotImplementedError @property @abstractmethod def num_opponents(self) -> int: """Number of adversarial agents in the opponent team.""" raise NotImplementedError @property def num_adversaries(self) -> int: """Number of adversarial agents in the opponent team.""" return self.num_opponents
[docs] def clone(self) -> AgentType: """Clone an independent copy of the agent.""" clone = copy.deepcopy(self) clone.seed(self.np_random.randint(np.iinfo(int).max)) return clone
[docs] def spawn(self, num_agents: int) -> List[AgentType]: """Spawn new agents.""" return [self.clone() for _ in range(num_agents)]
@property def np_random(self) -> np.random.RandomState: # pylint: disable=no-member """The main random number generator of the agent.""" if self._np_random is None: self.seed() return self._np_random
[docs] def seed(self, seed: Optional[int] = None) -> List[int]: """Set seed for the agent's random number generator. This function will be called before the first call of reset(). """ self._np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed) seeds, int_max = [seed], np.iinfo(int).max if self.action_space is not None: seeds.append(self.action_space.seed(self.np_random.randint(int_max))[0]) return seeds
[docs] def reset(self, observation: np.ndarray) -> None: """Reset the agent. This function will be called immediately after env.reset(). Note: observation is a 1D array, not a 2D array with an additional dimension for agent indices. """ observation = np.asarray(observation, dtype=np.float64) assert observation.ndim == 1, ( f'The observation should be a 1D NumPy array. ' f'Got observation = {observation} with shape = {observation.shape}.' ) self.num_cameras = int(np.round(observation[0]).astype(np.int64)) self.num_targets = int(np.round(observation[1]).astype(np.int64)) self.num_obstacles = int(np.round(observation[2]).astype(np.int64)) self.index = int(np.round(observation[3]).astype(np.int64)) self.agent_id = f'{}_{self.index}' kwargs = { 'team': self.TEAM, 'num_cameras': self.num_cameras, 'num_targets': self.num_targets, 'num_obstacles': self.num_obstacles, } self.observation_indices = consts.observation_indices_of(**kwargs) self.observation_slices = consts.observation_slices_of(**kwargs) self.observation_dim = self.observation_indices[-1] self.observation_space = consts.observation_space_of(**kwargs) self.convert_coordinates = functools.partial(utils.convert_coordinates, **kwargs) self.rescale_observation = functools.partial(utils.rescale_observation, **kwargs) self.split_observation = functools.partial(utils.split_observation, **kwargs) assert observation.shape == (self.observation_dim,), ( f'The observation should be a 1D NumPy array with length of {self.observation_dim}. ' f'Got observation = {observation} with shape = {observation.shape}.' ) assert observation.shape == self.observation_space.shape, ( f'The observation should be a 1D NumPy array with shape of {self.observation_space.shape}. ' f'Got observation = {observation} with shape = {observation.shape}.' ) self.state = self.STATE_CLASS( observation[self.observation_slices['self_state']], index=self.index ) self.action_space = copy.deepcopy(self.state.action_space) self.action_space.seed(self.np_random.randint(np.iinfo(int).max)) self.episode_step = -1 self._step_counter = 0 self.last_observation = None self.last_info = None self.last_requests = () self.last_responses = ()
[docs] def observe(self, observation: np.ndarray, info: Optional[dict] = None) -> None: r"""The agent observe the environment before sending messages. This function will be called before send_requests(). .. code-block:: text env.step() --> agent.observe() --> agent.send_requests() --> agent.receive_requests() --> agent.send_responses() --> agent.receive_responses() --> agent.act() --> env.step() --> ... | time step | - env ----------------------------------- env --------------------------------------------- env ----------------------------------- env - \ / \ / \ / observe send_requests receive_requests send_responses receive_responses act \ / \ / \ / ----------------- agent ------------------------------------------ agent -------------------------------------------- agent ------------- Note: observation is a 1D array, not a 2D array with an additional dimension for agent indices. """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long # pylint: disable-next=unused-variable self.state, self.last_observation, self.last_info, messages = self.check_inputs( observation, info )
[docs] @abstractmethod def act( self, observation: np.ndarray, info: Optional[dict] = None, deterministic: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Union[int, np.ndarray]: r"""Get the agent action by the observation. This function will be called before every env.step(). .. code-block:: text env.step() --> agent.observe() --> agent.send_requests() --> agent.receive_requests() --> agent.send_responses() --> agent.receive_responses() --> agent.act() --> env.step() --> ... | time step | - env ----------------------------------- env --------------------------------------------- env ----------------------------------- env - \ / \ / \ / observe send_requests receive_requests send_responses receive_responses act \ / \ / \ / ----------------- agent ------------------------------------------ agent -------------------------------------------- agent ------------- Note: observation is a 1D array, not a 2D array with an additional dimension for agent indices. """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long # pylint: disable-next=unused-variable self.state, observation, info, messages = self.check_inputs(observation, info) # Override this raise NotImplementedError return self.DEFAULT_ACTION # pylint: disable=unreachable
[docs] def predict( self, observation: np.ndarray, info: Optional[dict] = None, deterministic: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Union[int, np.ndarray]: """Get the agent action by the observation. Shortcut method for act(). Note: You should implement method act() instead. """ return self.act(observation, info, deterministic=deterministic)
[docs] def __call__( self, observation: np.ndarray, info: Optional[dict] = None, deterministic: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Union[int, np.ndarray]: """Shortcut method for act().""" return self.act(observation, info, deterministic=deterministic)
[docs] def send_requests(self) -> Iterable[Message]: r"""Prepare messages to communicate with other agents in the same team. This function will be called after observe() but before receive_requests(). .. code-block:: text env.step() --> agent.observe() --> agent.send_requests() --> agent.receive_requests() --> agent.send_responses() --> agent.receive_responses() --> agent.act() --> env.step() --> ... | time step | - env ----------------------------------- env --------------------------------------------- env ----------------------------------- env - \ / \ / \ / observe send_requests receive_requests send_responses receive_responses act \ / \ / \ / ----------------- agent ------------------------------------------ agent -------------------------------------------- agent ------------- """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long return ()
[docs] def receive_requests(self, messages: Tuple[Message, ...]) -> None: r"""Receive messages from other agents in the same team. This function will be called after send_requests(). .. code-block:: text env.step() --> agent.observe() --> agent.send_requests() --> agent.receive_requests() --> agent.send_responses() --> agent.receive_responses() --> agent.act() --> env.step() --> ... | time step | - env ----------------------------------- env --------------------------------------------- env ----------------------------------- env - \ / \ / \ / observe send_requests receive_requests send_responses receive_responses act \ / \ / \ / ----------------- agent ------------------------------------------ agent -------------------------------------------- agent ------------- """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long self.last_requests = tuple(messages)
[docs] def send_responses(self) -> Iterable[Message]: r"""Prepare messages to communicate with other agents in the same team. This function will be called after receive_requests(). .. code-block:: text env.step() --> agent.observe() --> agent.send_requests() --> agent.receive_requests() --> agent.send_responses() --> agent.receive_responses() --> agent.act() --> env.step() --> ... | time step | - env ----------------------------------- env --------------------------------------------- env ----------------------------------- env - \ / \ / \ / observe send_requests receive_requests send_responses receive_responses act \ / \ / \ / ----------------- agent ------------------------------------------ agent -------------------------------------------- agent ------------- """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long return ()
[docs] def receive_responses(self, messages: Tuple[Message, ...]) -> None: r"""Receive messages from other agents in the same team. This function will be called after send_responses() but before act(). .. code-block:: text env.step() --> agent.observe() --> agent.send_requests() --> agent.receive_requests() --> agent.send_responses() --> agent.receive_responses() --> agent.act() --> env.step() --> ... | time step | - env ----------------------------------- env --------------------------------------------- env ----------------------------------- env - \ / \ / \ / observe send_requests receive_requests send_responses receive_responses act \ / \ / \ / ----------------- agent ------------------------------------------ agent -------------------------------------------- agent ------------- """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long self.last_responses = tuple(messages)
[docs] def check_inputs( self, observation: np.ndarray, info: Optional[dict] = None ) -> Tuple[StatePrivateType, np.ndarray, dict, List[Message]]: """Preprocess the inputs for observe() and act().""" observation = np.asarray(observation, dtype=np.float64) assert observation.shape == (self.observation_dim,), ( f'The observation should be a 1D NumPy array with length of {self.observation_dim}. ' f'Got observation = {observation} with shape = {observation.shape}.' ) info = info or {} state = self.STATE_CLASS( observation[self.observation_slices['self_state']], index=self.index ) messages = info.get('messages', []) if self._step_counter % 2 == 0: self.episode_step += 1 self._step_counter += 1 return state, observation, info, messages
[docs] def pack_message(self, content: Any, recipient: Optional[int] = None) -> Message: """Pack the content into a Message object.""" return Message( sender=self.index, recipient=recipient, content=content, team=self.TEAM, broadcasting=(recipient is None), )
[docs] def get_teammate_state( self, observation: np.ndarray, index: int ) -> Tuple[utils.TargetStatePublic, bool]: """Get the teammate's public state from observation by index.""" if not 0 <= index < self.num_teammates: raise IndexError('Teammate index out of range.') offset = self.observation_indices[4] + (self.TEAMMATE_STATE_CLASS.DIM + 1) * index teammate_state = self.TEAMMATE_STATE_CLASS( observation[..., offset : offset + self.TEAMMATE_STATE_CLASS.DIM], index=index ) sensed = bool(observation[..., offset + self.TEAMMATE_STATE_CLASS.DIM]) return teammate_state, sensed
[docs] def get_teammate_states( self, observation: np.ndarray ) -> Tuple[Tuple[utils.TargetStatePublic, ...], Tuple[bool, ...]]: """Get all teammates' states from observation.""" return tuple( zip( *[ self.get_teammate_state(observation, index) for index in range(self.num_teammates) ] ) )
[docs] def get_opponent_state( self, observation: np.ndarray, index: int ) -> Tuple[StatePublicType, bool]: """Get the opponent agent state from observation by index.""" if not 0 <= index < self.num_opponents: raise IndexError('Opponent index out of range.') offset = self.observation_indices[2] + (self.OPPONENT_STATE_CLASS.DIM + 1) * index opponent_state = self.OPPONENT_STATE_CLASS( observation[..., offset : offset + self.OPPONENT_STATE_CLASS.DIM], index=index ) sensed = bool(observation[..., offset + self.OPPONENT_STATE_CLASS.DIM]) return opponent_state, sensed
[docs] def get_all_opponent_states( self, observation: np.ndarray ) -> Tuple[Tuple[StatePublicType, ...], Tuple[bool, ...]]: """Get all opponents' states from observation.""" return tuple( zip( *[ self.get_opponent_state(observation, index) for index in range(self.num_opponents) ] ) )
[docs] def get_obstacle_state( self, observation: np.ndarray, index: int ) -> Tuple[utils.ObstacleState, bool]: """Get the obstacle state from observation by index.""" if not 0 <= index < self.num_obstacles: raise IndexError('Obstacle index out of range.') offset = self.observation_indices[3] + (consts.OBSTACLE_STATE_DIM + 1) * index obstacle_state = utils.ObstacleState( observation[..., offset : offset + consts.OBSTACLE_STATE_DIM], index=index ) sensed = bool(observation[..., offset + consts.OBSTACLE_STATE_DIM]) return obstacle_state, sensed
[docs] def get_all_obstacle_states( self, observation: np.ndarray ) -> Tuple[Tuple[utils.ObstacleState, ...], Tuple[bool, ...]]: """Get all obstacle states from observation.""" return tuple( zip( *[ self.get_obstacle_state(observation, index) for index in range(self.num_obstacles) ] ) )
[docs]class CameraAgentBase(AgentBase): """Base class for camera agents.""" TEAM = Team.CAMERA DEFAULT_ACTION = consts.CAMERA_DEFAULT_ACTION STATE_CLASS = utils.CameraStatePrivate TEAMMATE_STATE_CLASS = utils.CameraStatePublic OPPONENT_STATE_CLASS = utils.TargetStatePublic @property def num_teammates(self) -> int: """Number of agents in the same team, including the current agent.""" return self.num_cameras @property def num_opponents(self) -> int: """Number of adversarial agents in the opponent team.""" return self.num_targets
[docs]class TargetAgentBase(AgentBase): """Base class for target agents.""" TEAM = Team.TARGET DEFAULT_ACTION = consts.TARGET_DEFAULT_ACTION STATE_CLASS = utils.TargetStatePrivate TEAMMATE_STATE_CLASS = utils.TargetStatePublic OPPONENT_STATE_CLASS = utils.CameraStatePublic @property def num_teammates(self) -> int: """Number of agents in the same team, including the current agent.""" return self.num_targets @property def num_opponents(self) -> int: """Number of adversarial agents in the opponent team.""" return self.num_cameras