mate.agents package


mate.agents.base module

Base classes for agents.

class mate.agents.base.AgentBase(seed: int | None = None)[source]

Bases: ABC

Base class for all agents.

TEAM: Team
DEFAULT_ACTION: int | ndarray = None
STATE_CLASS: Type[CameraStatePrivate | TargetStatePrivate]
TEAMMATE_STATE_CLASS: Type[CameraStatePublic | TargetStatePublic]
OPPONENT_STATE_CLASS: Type[CameraStatePublic | TargetStatePublic]
__init__(seed: int | None = None) None[source]

Initialize the agent. This function will be called only once on initialization.


Agents can obtain the number of teammates and opponents on agent.reset(observation), but not here. You are responsible for writing scalable policies and code to handle this.

action_space: Space = None
observation_space: Space = None
abstract property num_teammates: int

Number of agents in the same team, including the current agent itself.

abstract property num_opponents: int

Number of adversarial agents in the opponent team.

property num_adversaries: int

Number of adversarial agents in the opponent team.

clone() AgentBase | CameraAgentBase | TargetAgentBase[source]

Clone an independent copy of the agent.

spawn(num_agents: int) List[AgentBase | CameraAgentBase | TargetAgentBase][source]

Spawn new agents.

property np_random: RandomState

The main random number generator of the agent.

seed(seed: int | None = None) List[int][source]

Set seed for the agent’s random number generator. This function will be called before the first call of reset().

reset(observation: ndarray) None[source]

Reset the agent. This function will be called immediately after env.reset().


observation is a 1D array, not a 2D array with an additional dimension for agent indices.

observe(observation: ndarray, info: dict | None = None) None[source]

The agent observe the environment before sending messages. This function will be called before send_requests().

--> agent.observe()
--> agent.send_requests() --> agent.receive_requests()
--> agent.send_responses() --> agent.receive_responses()
--> agent.act()
--> env.step()
--> ...

   |                                                             time step                                                           |
- env ----------------------------------- env --------------------------------------------- env ----------------------------------- env -
      \                                 /     \                                           /     \                                 /
        observe           send_requests         receive_requests           send_responses         receive_responses           act
                \       /                                        \       /                                          \       /
----------------- agent ------------------------------------------ agent -------------------------------------------- agent -------------


observation is a 1D array, not a 2D array with an additional dimension for agent indices.

abstract act(observation: ndarray, info: dict | None = None, deterministic: bool | None = None) int | ndarray[source]

Get the agent action by the observation. This function will be called before every env.step().

--> agent.observe()
--> agent.send_requests() --> agent.receive_requests()
--> agent.send_responses() --> agent.receive_responses()
--> agent.act()
--> env.step()
--> ...

   |                                                             time step                                                           |
- env ----------------------------------- env --------------------------------------------- env ----------------------------------- env -
      \                                 /     \                                           /     \                                 /
        observe           send_requests         receive_requests           send_responses         receive_responses           act
                \       /                                        \       /                                          \       /
----------------- agent ------------------------------------------ agent -------------------------------------------- agent -------------


observation is a 1D array, not a 2D array with an additional dimension for agent indices.

predict(observation: ndarray, info: dict | None = None, deterministic: bool | None = None) int | ndarray[source]

Get the agent action by the observation. Shortcut method for act().


You should implement method act() instead.

__call__(observation: ndarray, info: dict | None = None, deterministic: bool | None = None) int | ndarray[source]

Shortcut method for act().

send_requests() Iterable[Message][source]

Prepare messages to communicate with other agents in the same team. This function will be called after observe() but before receive_requests().

--> agent.observe()
--> agent.send_requests() --> agent.receive_requests()
--> agent.send_responses() --> agent.receive_responses()
--> agent.act()
--> env.step()
--> ...

   |                                                             time step                                                           |
- env ----------------------------------- env --------------------------------------------- env ----------------------------------- env -
      \                                 /     \                                           /     \                                 /
        observe           send_requests         receive_requests           send_responses         receive_responses           act
                \       /                                        \       /                                          \       /
----------------- agent ------------------------------------------ agent -------------------------------------------- agent -------------
receive_requests(messages: Tuple[Message, ...]) None[source]

Receive messages from other agents in the same team. This function will be called after send_requests().

--> agent.observe()
--> agent.send_requests() --> agent.receive_requests()
--> agent.send_responses() --> agent.receive_responses()
--> agent.act()
--> env.step()
--> ...

   |                                                             time step                                                           |
- env ----------------------------------- env --------------------------------------------- env ----------------------------------- env -
      \                                 /     \                                           /     \                                 /
        observe           send_requests         receive_requests           send_responses         receive_responses           act
                \       /                                        \       /                                          \       /
----------------- agent ------------------------------------------ agent -------------------------------------------- agent -------------
send_responses() Iterable[Message][source]

Prepare messages to communicate with other agents in the same team. This function will be called after receive_requests().

--> agent.observe()
--> agent.send_requests() --> agent.receive_requests()
--> agent.send_responses() --> agent.receive_responses()
--> agent.act()
--> env.step()
--> ...

   |                                                             time step                                                           |
- env ----------------------------------- env --------------------------------------------- env ----------------------------------- env -
      \                                 /     \                                           /     \                                 /
        observe           send_requests         receive_requests           send_responses         receive_responses           act
                \       /                                        \       /                                          \       /
----------------- agent ------------------------------------------ agent -------------------------------------------- agent -------------
receive_responses(messages: Tuple[Message, ...]) None[source]

Receive messages from other agents in the same team. This function will be called after send_responses() but before act().

--> agent.observe()
--> agent.send_requests() --> agent.receive_requests()
--> agent.send_responses() --> agent.receive_responses()
--> agent.act()
--> env.step()
--> ...

   |                                                             time step                                                           |
- env ----------------------------------- env --------------------------------------------- env ----------------------------------- env -
      \                                 /     \                                           /     \                                 /
        observe           send_requests         receive_requests           send_responses         receive_responses           act
                \       /                                        \       /                                          \       /
----------------- agent ------------------------------------------ agent -------------------------------------------- agent -------------
check_inputs(observation: ndarray, info: dict | None = None) Tuple[CameraStatePrivate | TargetStatePrivate, ndarray, dict, List[Message]][source]

Preprocess the inputs for observe() and act().

pack_message(content: Any, recipient: int | None = None) Message[source]

Pack the content into a Message object.

get_teammate_state(observation: ndarray, index: int) Tuple[TargetStatePublic, bool][source]

Get the teammate’s public state from observation by index.

get_teammate_states(observation: ndarray) Tuple[Tuple[TargetStatePublic, ...], Tuple[bool, ...]][source]

Get all teammates’ states from observation.

get_opponent_state(observation: ndarray, index: int) Tuple[CameraStatePublic | TargetStatePublic, bool][source]

Get the opponent agent state from observation by index.

get_all_opponent_states(observation: ndarray) Tuple[Tuple[CameraStatePublic | TargetStatePublic, ...], Tuple[bool, ...]][source]

Get all opponents’ states from observation.

get_obstacle_state(observation: ndarray, index: int) Tuple[ObstacleState, bool][source]

Get the obstacle state from observation by index.

get_all_obstacle_states(observation: ndarray) Tuple[Tuple[ObstacleState, ...], Tuple[bool, ...]][source]

Get all obstacle states from observation.

class mate.agents.base.CameraAgentBase(seed: int | None = None)[source]

Bases: AgentBase

Base class for camera agents.

TEAM: Team = 0
DEFAULT_ACTION: int | ndarray = array([0., 0.])

alias of CameraStatePrivate


alias of CameraStatePublic


alias of TargetStatePublic

property num_teammates: int

Number of agents in the same team, including the current agent.

property num_opponents: int

Number of adversarial agents in the opponent team.

class mate.agents.base.TargetAgentBase(seed: int | None = None)[source]

Bases: AgentBase

Base class for target agents.

TEAM: Team = 1
DEFAULT_ACTION: int | ndarray = array([0., 0.])

alias of TargetStatePrivate


alias of TargetStatePublic


alias of CameraStatePublic

property num_teammates: int

Number of agents in the same team, including the current agent.

property num_opponents: int

Number of adversarial agents in the opponent team.

mate.agents.random module

Random agents.

class mate.agents.random.RandomCameraAgent(seed=None, frame_skip=20)[source]

Bases: CameraAgentBase

Random Camera Agent

Random action.

__init__(seed=None, frame_skip=20)[source]

Initialize the agent. This function will be called only once on initialization.


Agents can obtain the number of teammates and opponents on reset, but not here. You are responsible for writing scalable policies and code to handle this.


Reset the agent. This function will be called immediately after env.reset().


observation is a 1D array, not a 2D array with an additional dimension for agent indices.

act(observation, info=None, deterministic=None)[source]

Get the agent action by the observation. This function will be called before every env.step().

Random action.

class mate.agents.random.RandomTargetAgent(seed=None, frame_skip=20)[source]

Bases: TargetAgentBase

Random Target Agent

Random action.

__init__(seed=None, frame_skip=20)[source]

Initialize the agent. This function will be called only once on initialization.


Agents can obtain the number of teammates and opponents on reset, but not here. You are responsible for writing scalable policies and code to handle this.


Reset the agent. This function will be called immediately after env.reset().


observation is a 1D array, not a 2D array with an additional dimension for agent indices.

act(observation, info=None, deterministic=None)[source]

Get the agent action by the observation. This function will be called before every env.step().

Random action.

mate.agents.naive module

Built-in naive rule-based agents.

class mate.agents.naive.NaiveCameraAgent(seed: int | None = None)[source]

Bases: CameraAgentBase

Naive Camera Agent

Rotates anti-clockwise with the maximum viewing angle.

act(observation, info=None, deterministic=None)[source]

Get the agent action by the observation. This function will be called before every env.step().

Rotate anti-clockwise with the maximum viewing angle.

class mate.agents.naive.NaiveTargetAgent(seed=None)[source]

Bases: TargetAgentBase

Naive Target Agent

Visits all warehouses in turn.


Initialize the agent. This function will be called only once on initialization.

property goal_location

Location of the current warehouse.


Reset the agent. This function will be called immediately after env.reset().

act(observation, info=None, deterministic=None)[source]

Get the agent action by the observation. This function will be called before every env.step().

Visit all warehouses in turn.

mate.agents.greedy module

Built-in greedy rule-based agents.

class mate.agents.greedy.GreedyCameraAgent(seed=None, memory_period=25, filterout_unloaded=False, filterout_beyond_range=True)[source]

Bases: CameraAgentBase

Greedy Camera Agent

Arbitrarily tracks the nearest target. If no target found, use previous action or generate a new random action.

__init__(seed=None, memory_period=25, filterout_unloaded=False, filterout_beyond_range=True)[source]

Initialize the agent. This function will be called only once on initialization.


Reset the agent. This function will be called immediately after env.reset().

observe(observation, info=None)[source]

The agent observe the environment before sending messages. This function will be called before send_responses().

act(observation, info=None, deterministic=None)[source]

Get the agent action by the observation. This function will be called before every env.step().

Arbitrarily track the nearest target. If no target found, use previous action or generate a new random action.

process_messages(observation, messages)[source]

Process observation and prepare messages to teammates.


Place the selected target at the center of the field of view.


Prepare messages to communicate with other agents in the same team. This function will be called before receive_responses().

Send the newest target states to teammates if necessary.


Receive messages from other agents in the same team. This function will be called after send_responses() but before act().

Receive and process messages from teammates.

class mate.agents.greedy.GreedyTargetAgent(seed=None, noise_scale=0.5)[source]

Bases: TargetAgentBase

Greedy Target Agent

Arbitrarily runs towards the destination (desired warehouse) with some noise.

__init__(seed=None, noise_scale=0.5)[source]

Initialize the agent. This function will be called only once on initialization.

property goal

Index of the current warehouse.

property goal_location

Location of the current warehouse.


Reset the agent. This function will be called immediately after env.reset().

observe(observation, info=None)[source]

The agent observe the environment before sending messages. This function will be called before send_responses().

act(observation, info=None, deterministic=None)[source]

Get the agent action by the observation. This function will be called before every env.step().

Arbitrarily run towards the warehouse with some noise.

process_messages(observation, messages)[source]

Process observation and prepare messages to teammates.


Prepare messages to communicate with other agents in the same team. This function will be called before receive_responses().

Send indices of non-empty warehouses to teammate if necessary.


Receive messages from other agents in the same team. This function will be called after send_responses() but before act().

Receive and process messages from teammates.

mate.agents.heuristic module

Built-in heuristic rule-based agents.

class mate.agents.heuristic.HeuristicCameraAgent(seed=None)[source]

Bases: CameraAgentBase

Heuristic Camera Agent

Greedily maximizes the heuristic scores as much as possible. All agents send their observations to the centralized controller (agent 0). Then the central controller sends the goal state (camera pose) to each agent.


Initialize the agent. This function will be called only once on initialization.


Reset the agent. This function will be called immediately after env.reset().

act(observation, info=None, deterministic=None)[source]

Get the agent action by the observation. This function will be called before every env.step().

Arbitrarily track the nearest target. If no target found, use previous action or generate a new random action.


Prepare messages to communicate with other agents in the same team. This function will be called after observe() but before receive_requests().


Receive messages from other agents in the same team. This function will be called after send_requests().


Prepare messages to communicate with other agents in the same team. This function will be called after receive_requests().


Receive messages from other agents in the same team. This function will be called after send_responses() but before act().

get_joint_goal_state(camera_states, target_states)[source]

Greedily track the targets as many as possible.

static calculate_scores(max_sight_range, min_viewing_angle)[source]

Calculates the coordinate grid and the weighted scores.

class mate.agents.heuristic.HeuristicTargetAgent(seed=None, noise_scale=0.5)[source]

Bases: GreedyTargetAgent

Heuristic Target Agent

Arbitrarily runs towards the destination (desired warehouse) with some noise. In addition to the greedy target agent, a drift speed is added, which escapes away from the center of cameras’ field of view.

act(observation, info=None, deterministic=None)[source]

Get the agent action by the observation. This function will be called before every env.step().

Arbitrarily run towards the warehouse with some noise.

mate.agents.mixture module

Agent wrapper to built a mixture of agents.

class mate.agents.mixture.MixtureCameraAgent(candidates, weights=None, mixture_seed=None, seed=None)[source]

Bases: MixtureAgentMixIn, CameraAgentBase

Mixture Camera Agent

Randomly choose a underlying camera agent in candidates at episode start.

class mate.agents.mixture.MixtureTargetAgent(candidates, weights=None, mixture_seed=None, seed=None)[source]

Bases: MixtureAgentMixIn, TargetAgentBase

Mixture Target Agent

Randomly choose a underlying target agent in candidates at episode start.

mate.agents.utils module

Utility functions and classes for agents.

mate.agents.utils.convert_coordinates(observation: ndarray, team: Team, num_cameras: int, num_targets: int, num_obstacles: int) ndarray[source]

Convert all locations of other entities in the observation to relative coordinates (exclude the current agent itself).

mate.agents.utils.normalize_observation(observation: ndarray, observation_space: Box, additional_mask: ndarray | None = None) ndarray[source]

Rescale all entity states in the observation to [-1., +1.].

mate.agents.utils.rescale_observation(observation: ndarray, team: Team, num_cameras: int, num_targets: int, num_obstacles: int) ndarray[source]

Rescale all entity states in the observation to [-1., +1.].

mate.agents.utils.split_observation(observation: ndarray, team: Team, num_cameras: int, num_targets: int, num_obstacles: int) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray][source]

Splits the concatenated observations into parts.

class mate.agents.utils.CameraStatePublic(state: ndarray, index: int)[source]

Bases: StateBase

DIM = 6
property radius: float | ndarray
property sight_range: float | ndarray
property orientation: float | ndarray
property viewing_angle: float | ndarray
class mate.agents.utils.CameraStatePrivate(state: ndarray, index: int)[source]

Bases: CameraStatePublic

DIM = 9
property max_sight_range: float | ndarray
property min_viewing_angle: float | ndarray
property rotation_step: float | ndarray
property zooming_step: float | ndarray
property action_space: Box
class mate.agents.utils.TargetStatePublic(state: ndarray, index: int)[source]

Bases: StateBase

DIM = 4
property sight_range: float | ndarray
property is_loaded: bool | ndarray
class mate.agents.utils.TargetStatePrivate(state: ndarray, index: int)[source]

Bases: StateBase

DIM = 14
property step_size: float | ndarray
property capacity: float | ndarray
property goal_bits: ndarray
property empty_bits: ndarray
property action_space: Box
class mate.agents.utils.ObstacleState(state: ndarray, index: int)[source]

Bases: StateBase

DIM = 3
property radius: float | ndarray

Module contents

Built-in classes for agents.

class mate.agents.CameraAgentBase(seed: int | None = None)[source]

Bases: AgentBase

Base class for camera agents.

TEAM: Team = 0
DEFAULT_ACTION: int | ndarray = array([0., 0.])

alias of CameraStatePrivate


alias of CameraStatePublic


alias of TargetStatePublic

property num_teammates: int

Number of agents in the same team, including the current agent.

property num_opponents: int

Number of adversarial agents in the opponent team.

class mate.agents.TargetAgentBase(seed: int | None = None)[source]

Bases: AgentBase

Base class for target agents.

TEAM: Team = 1
DEFAULT_ACTION: int | ndarray = array([0., 0.])

alias of TargetStatePrivate


alias of TargetStatePublic


alias of CameraStatePublic

property num_teammates: int

Number of agents in the same team, including the current agent.

property num_opponents: int

Number of adversarial agents in the opponent team.

class mate.agents.RandomCameraAgent(seed=None, frame_skip=20)[source]

Bases: CameraAgentBase

Random Camera Agent

Random action.

__init__(seed=None, frame_skip=20)[source]

Initialize the agent. This function will be called only once on initialization.


Agents can obtain the number of teammates and opponents on reset, but not here. You are responsible for writing scalable policies and code to handle this.


Reset the agent. This function will be called immediately after env.reset().


observation is a 1D array, not a 2D array with an additional dimension for agent indices.

act(observation, info=None, deterministic=None)[source]

Get the agent action by the observation. This function will be called before every env.step().

Random action.

class mate.agents.RandomTargetAgent(seed=None, frame_skip=20)[source]

Bases: TargetAgentBase

Random Target Agent

Random action.

__init__(seed=None, frame_skip=20)[source]

Initialize the agent. This function will be called only once on initialization.


Agents can obtain the number of teammates and opponents on reset, but not here. You are responsible for writing scalable policies and code to handle this.


Reset the agent. This function will be called immediately after env.reset().


observation is a 1D array, not a 2D array with an additional dimension for agent indices.

act(observation, info=None, deterministic=None)[source]

Get the agent action by the observation. This function will be called before every env.step().

Random action.

class mate.agents.NaiveCameraAgent(seed: int | None = None)[source]

Bases: CameraAgentBase

Naive Camera Agent

Rotates anti-clockwise with the maximum viewing angle.

act(observation, info=None, deterministic=None)[source]

Get the agent action by the observation. This function will be called before every env.step().

Rotate anti-clockwise with the maximum viewing angle.

class mate.agents.NaiveTargetAgent(seed=None)[source]

Bases: TargetAgentBase

Naive Target Agent

Visits all warehouses in turn.


Initialize the agent. This function will be called only once on initialization.

property goal_location

Location of the current warehouse.


Reset the agent. This function will be called immediately after env.reset().

act(observation, info=None, deterministic=None)[source]

Get the agent action by the observation. This function will be called before every env.step().

Visit all warehouses in turn.

class mate.agents.GreedyCameraAgent(seed=None, memory_period=25, filterout_unloaded=False, filterout_beyond_range=True)[source]

Bases: CameraAgentBase

Greedy Camera Agent

Arbitrarily tracks the nearest target. If no target found, use previous action or generate a new random action.

__init__(seed=None, memory_period=25, filterout_unloaded=False, filterout_beyond_range=True)[source]

Initialize the agent. This function will be called only once on initialization.


Reset the agent. This function will be called immediately after env.reset().

observe(observation, info=None)[source]

The agent observe the environment before sending messages. This function will be called before send_responses().

act(observation, info=None, deterministic=None)[source]

Get the agent action by the observation. This function will be called before every env.step().

Arbitrarily track the nearest target. If no target found, use previous action or generate a new random action.

process_messages(observation, messages)[source]

Process observation and prepare messages to teammates.


Place the selected target at the center of the field of view.


Prepare messages to communicate with other agents in the same team. This function will be called before receive_responses().

Send the newest target states to teammates if necessary.


Receive messages from other agents in the same team. This function will be called after send_responses() but before act().

Receive and process messages from teammates.

class mate.agents.GreedyTargetAgent(seed=None, noise_scale=0.5)[source]

Bases: TargetAgentBase

Greedy Target Agent

Arbitrarily runs towards the destination (desired warehouse) with some noise.

__init__(seed=None, noise_scale=0.5)[source]

Initialize the agent. This function will be called only once on initialization.

property goal

Index of the current warehouse.

property goal_location

Location of the current warehouse.


Reset the agent. This function will be called immediately after env.reset().

observe(observation, info=None)[source]

The agent observe the environment before sending messages. This function will be called before send_responses().

act(observation, info=None, deterministic=None)[source]

Get the agent action by the observation. This function will be called before every env.step().

Arbitrarily run towards the warehouse with some noise.

process_messages(observation, messages)[source]

Process observation and prepare messages to teammates.


Prepare messages to communicate with other agents in the same team. This function will be called before receive_responses().

Send indices of non-empty warehouses to teammate if necessary.


Receive messages from other agents in the same team. This function will be called after send_responses() but before act().

Receive and process messages from teammates.

class mate.agents.HeuristicCameraAgent(seed=None)[source]

Bases: CameraAgentBase

Heuristic Camera Agent

Greedily maximizes the heuristic scores as much as possible. All agents send their observations to the centralized controller (agent 0). Then the central controller sends the goal state (camera pose) to each agent.


Initialize the agent. This function will be called only once on initialization.


Reset the agent. This function will be called immediately after env.reset().

act(observation, info=None, deterministic=None)[source]

Get the agent action by the observation. This function will be called before every env.step().

Arbitrarily track the nearest target. If no target found, use previous action or generate a new random action.


Prepare messages to communicate with other agents in the same team. This function will be called after observe() but before receive_requests().


Receive messages from other agents in the same team. This function will be called after send_requests().


Prepare messages to communicate with other agents in the same team. This function will be called after receive_requests().


Receive messages from other agents in the same team. This function will be called after send_responses() but before act().

get_joint_goal_state(camera_states, target_states)[source]

Greedily track the targets as many as possible.

static calculate_scores(max_sight_range, min_viewing_angle)[source]

Calculates the coordinate grid and the weighted scores.

class mate.agents.HeuristicTargetAgent(seed=None, noise_scale=0.5)[source]

Bases: GreedyTargetAgent

Heuristic Target Agent

Arbitrarily runs towards the destination (desired warehouse) with some noise. In addition to the greedy target agent, a drift speed is added, which escapes away from the center of cameras’ field of view.

act(observation, info=None, deterministic=None)[source]

Get the agent action by the observation. This function will be called before every env.step().

Arbitrarily run towards the warehouse with some noise.

class mate.agents.MixtureCameraAgent(candidates, weights=None, mixture_seed=None, seed=None)[source]

Bases: MixtureAgentMixIn, CameraAgentBase

Mixture Camera Agent

Randomly choose a underlying camera agent in candidates at episode start.

class mate.agents.MixtureTargetAgent(candidates, weights=None, mixture_seed=None, seed=None)[source]

Bases: MixtureAgentMixIn, TargetAgentBase

Mixture Target Agent

Randomly choose a underlying target agent in candidates at episode start.

mate.agents.convert_coordinates(observation: ndarray, team: Team, num_cameras: int, num_targets: int, num_obstacles: int) ndarray[source]

Convert all locations of other entities in the observation to relative coordinates (exclude the current agent itself).

mate.agents.normalize_observation(observation: ndarray, observation_space: Box, additional_mask: ndarray | None = None) ndarray[source]

Rescale all entity states in the observation to [-1., +1.].

mate.agents.rescale_observation(observation: ndarray, team: Team, num_cameras: int, num_targets: int, num_obstacles: int) ndarray[source]

Rescale all entity states in the observation to [-1., +1.].

mate.agents.split_observation(observation: ndarray, team: Team, num_cameras: int, num_targets: int, num_obstacles: int) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray][source]

Splits the concatenated observations into parts.

class mate.agents.CameraStatePublic(state: ndarray, index: int)[source]

Bases: StateBase

DIM = 6
property radius: float | ndarray
property sight_range: float | ndarray
property orientation: float | ndarray
property viewing_angle: float | ndarray
class mate.agents.CameraStatePrivate(state: ndarray, index: int)[source]

Bases: CameraStatePublic

DIM = 9
property max_sight_range: float | ndarray
property min_viewing_angle: float | ndarray
property rotation_step: float | ndarray
property zooming_step: float | ndarray
property action_space: Box
class mate.agents.TargetStatePublic(state: ndarray, index: int)[source]

Bases: StateBase

DIM = 4
property sight_range: float | ndarray
property is_loaded: bool | ndarray
class mate.agents.TargetStatePrivate(state: ndarray, index: int)[source]

Bases: StateBase

DIM = 14
property step_size: float | ndarray
property capacity: float | ndarray
property goal_bits: ndarray
property empty_bits: ndarray
property action_space: Box
class mate.agents.ObstacleState(state: ndarray, index: int)[source]

Bases: StateBase

DIM = 3
property radius: float | ndarray