Source code for mate.agents.utils

"""Utility functions and classes for agents."""

# pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring,missing-function-docstring

from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from gym import spaces

from mate.constants import (
from mate.utils import Team, Vector2D

__all__ = [

# pylint: disable-next=too-many-locals
[docs]def convert_coordinates( observation: np.ndarray, team: Team, num_cameras: int, num_targets: int, num_obstacles: int, ) -> np.ndarray: """Convert all locations of other entities in the observation to relative coordinates (exclude the current agent itself). """ observation_space = observation_space_of(team, num_cameras, num_targets, num_obstacles) assert observation.shape[-1] >= observation_space.shape[-1], ( f'The feature size of the observation must be not less than {observation_space.shape[-1]}. ' f'Got observation.shape[-1] = {observation.shape[-1]}.' ) converted = observation[..., : observation_space.shape[-1]].copy() slices = observation_slices_of(team, num_cameras, num_targets, num_obstacles) if team is Team.CAMERA: teammate_state_dim, opponent_state_dim = CAMERA_STATE_DIM_PUBLIC, TARGET_STATE_DIM_PUBLIC else: teammate_state_dim, opponent_state_dim = TARGET_STATE_DIM_PUBLIC, CAMERA_STATE_DIM_PUBLIC opponent_view_mask = converted[..., slices['opponent_mask']].astype(np.bool8) obstacle_view_mask = converted[..., slices['obstacle_mask']].astype(np.bool8) teammate_view_mask = converted[..., slices['teammate_mask']].astype(np.bool8) view_mask = np.hstack( [ np.repeat(opponent_view_mask, repeats=opponent_state_dim + 1, axis=-1), np.repeat(obstacle_view_mask, repeats=OBSTACLE_STATE_DIM + 1, axis=-1), np.repeat(teammate_view_mask, repeats=teammate_state_dim + 1, axis=-1), ] ) coordinate_mask = np.broadcast_to( coordinate_mask_of(team, num_cameras, num_targets, num_obstacles), shape=converted.shape ).copy() other_entities_size = view_mask.shape[-1] coordinate_mask[..., -other_entities_size:] = np.logical_and( coordinate_mask[..., -other_entities_size:], view_mask ) origin = converted[..., PRESERVED_DIM : PRESERVED_DIM + 2] if converted.ndim == 1: converted[coordinate_mask] -= np.tile(origin, reps=coordinate_mask.sum() // 2) else: for i in range(converted.shape[0]): converted[i, coordinate_mask[i]] -= np.tile( origin[i], reps=coordinate_mask[i].sum() // 2 ) if observation.shape[-1] == observation_space.shape[-1]: return converted return np.hstack([converted, observation[..., observation_space.shape[-1] :]])
[docs]def normalize_observation( observation: np.ndarray, observation_space: spaces.Box, additional_mask: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """Rescale all entity states in the observation to [-1., +1.].""" assert observation.shape[-1] >= observation_space.shape[-1], ( f'The feature size of the observation must be not less than {observation_space.shape[-1]}. ' f'Got observation.shape[-1] = {observation.shape[-1]}.' ) rescaled = observation[..., : observation_space.shape[-1]].copy() bounded_below = observation_space.bounded_below bounded_above = observation_space.bounded_above bounded_both = np.logical_and(bounded_below, bounded_above) mask = np.logical_and(bounded_both, observation_space.high > observation_space.low) if additional_mask is not None: mask = np.logical_and(mask, additional_mask) rescaled[..., bounded_below] = ( rescaled[..., bounded_below] - observation_space.low[bounded_below] ) rescaled[..., mask] = ( 2.0 * rescaled[..., mask] / ((observation_space.high - observation_space.low)[mask]) - 1.0 ) if observation.shape[-1] == observation_space.shape[-1]: return rescaled return np.hstack([rescaled, observation[..., observation_space.shape[-1] :]])
[docs]def rescale_observation( observation: np.ndarray, team: Team, num_cameras: int, num_targets: int, num_obstacles: int ) -> np.ndarray: """Rescale all entity states in the observation to [-1., +1.].""" observation_space = observation_space_of(team, num_cameras, num_targets, num_obstacles) return normalize_observation(observation, observation_space)
[docs]def split_observation( observation: np.ndarray, team: Team, num_cameras: int, num_targets: int, num_obstacles: int ) -> Tuple[(np.ndarray,) * 5]: """Splits the concatenated observations into parts.""" indices = observation_indices_of(team, num_cameras, num_targets, num_obstacles) assert observation.shape[-1] == indices[-1], ( f'The feature size of the observation must be equal to {indices[-1]}. ' f'Got observation.shape[-1] = {observation.shape[-1]}.' ) return tuple(np.hsplit(observation, indices[1:-1]))
class StateBase: DIM = None def __init__(self, state: np.ndarray, index: int) -> None: assert len(state) == self.DIM self._state = state self._index = index self._location = None @property def state(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._state @property def index(self) -> int: return self._index @property def location(self) -> np.ndarray: if self._location is None: self._location = self.state[..., 0:2] return self._location def copy(self): return type(self)(self.state.copy(), self.index) def __array__(self): return self.state.copy() def __sub__(self, other): assert isinstance(other, StateBase) return Vector2D(vector=self.location - other.location, origin=other.location)
[docs]class CameraStatePublic(StateBase): DIM = CAMERA_STATE_DIM_PUBLIC def __init__(self, state: np.ndarray, index: int) -> None: super().__init__(state, index) self._radius = None self._sight_range = None self._orientation = None self._viewing_angle = None @property def radius(self) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: if self._radius is None: self._radius = np.linalg.norm(self.state[..., 2]) return self._radius @property def sight_range(self) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: if self._sight_range is None: self._sight_range = np.linalg.norm(self.state[..., 3:5]) return self._sight_range @property def orientation(self) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: if self._orientation is None: self._orientation = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(self.state[..., 4], self.state[..., 3])) return self._orientation @property def viewing_angle(self) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: if self._viewing_angle is None: self._viewing_angle = self.state[..., 5] return self._viewing_angle
[docs]class CameraStatePrivate(CameraStatePublic): DIM = CAMERA_STATE_DIM_PRIVATE def __init__(self, state: np.ndarray, index: int) -> None: super().__init__(state, index) self._max_sight_range = None self._rotation_step = None self._zooming_step = None self._min_viewing_angle = None @property def max_sight_range(self) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: if self._max_sight_range is None: self._max_sight_range = self.state[..., 6] return self._max_sight_range @property def min_viewing_angle(self) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: if self._min_viewing_angle is None: self._min_viewing_angle = self.viewing_angle * np.square( self.sight_range / self.max_sight_range ) return self._min_viewing_angle @property def rotation_step(self) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: if self._rotation_step is None: self._rotation_step = self.state[..., 7] return self._rotation_step @property def zooming_step(self) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: if self._zooming_step is None: self._zooming_step = self.state[..., 8] return self._zooming_step @property def action_space(self) -> spaces.Box: return spaces.Box( # pylint: disable-next=invalid-unary-operand-type low=np.asarray([-self.rotation_step, -self.zooming_step]), high=np.asarray([self.rotation_step, self.zooming_step]), dtype=np.float64, )
[docs]class TargetStatePublic(StateBase): DIM = TARGET_STATE_DIM_PUBLIC def __init__(self, state: np.ndarray, index: int) -> None: super().__init__(state, index) self._sight_range = None self._is_loaded = None @property def sight_range(self) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: if self._sight_range is None: self._sight_range = self.state[..., 2] return self._sight_range @property def is_loaded(self) -> Union[bool, np.ndarray]: if self._is_loaded is None: self._is_loaded = self.state[..., 3].astype(np.bool8) if self._is_loaded.ndim == 0: self._is_loaded = bool(self._is_loaded) return self._is_loaded
[docs]class TargetStatePrivate(StateBase): DIM = TARGET_STATE_DIM_PRIVATE def __init__(self, state: np.ndarray, index: int) -> None: super().__init__(state, index) self._step_size = None self._capacity = None self._goal_bits = None self._empty_bits = None @property def step_size(self) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: if self._step_size is None: self._step_size = self.state[..., 4] return self._step_size @property def capacity(self) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: if self._capacity is None: self._capacity = self.state[..., 5] return self._capacity @property def goal_bits(self) -> np.ndarray: if self._goal_bits is None: self._goal_bits = self.state[..., 6 : 6 + NUM_WAREHOUSES].astype(np.int64) return self._goal_bits @property def empty_bits(self) -> np.ndarray: if self._empty_bits is None: self._empty_bits = self.state[..., 6 + NUM_WAREHOUSES : 6 + 2 * NUM_WAREHOUSES].astype( np.bool8 ) return self._empty_bits @property def action_space(self) -> spaces.Box: return spaces.Box( # pylint: disable-next=invalid-unary-operand-type low=np.asarray([-self.step_size, -self.step_size]), high=np.asarray([self.step_size, self.step_size]), dtype=np.float64, )
[docs]class ObstacleState(StateBase): DIM = OBSTACLE_STATE_DIM def __init__(self, state: np.ndarray, index: int) -> None: super().__init__(state, index) self._radius = None @property def radius(self) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: if self._radius is None: self._radius = self.state[..., 2] return self._radius